The Elder Bar 作者: SimonIllyan

The Elder BarRequired LibrariesLibAddonMenulLibFoodAndDrinkBuffWhat is it?This addon adds an information bar on the screen, chocked full of information gadgets that update in real-time. Gadgets can be easily dragged and dropped in whatever order you pre

Greyskull : Weapon / Spell Damage Meter 作者: ghostbane

NEW: - Hybrid modeSelect Hybrid in the settings menu and Greyskull will appear with whatever is higher, Weapon Damage or Spell Damage.Greyskull - Customisable power meterSet coloured rules for specific power levels for visual ques of when one or severa

Magic Carpet 作者: Cardinal05

It is a chore to create scaffolding when you just want to build high up or get a better vantage point. Magic Carpet makes it easy to build anywhere in any home by giving you the power of flight. All that you need is Decorator permission and any of the man