Magic Carpet 作者: Cardinal05

It is a chore to create scaffolding when you just want to build high up or get a better vantage point. Magic Carpet makes it easy to build anywhere in any home by giving you the power of flight. All that you need is Decorator permission and any of the man

Lights of Meridia 作者: Cardinal05

Improve your group's ability to work together as a team in Battlegrounds, Cyrodiil and World zones.* Note that the Light cannot be seen in Dungeons or Trials - a restriction imposed by the game itself.The divine Light of Meridia shines down upon each

FCO GuildCampaign 作者: Baertram

FCO GuildCampaignAddon designed for PvP guilds: Add an icon at your guild rosters (for enabled guilds) showing if your guild members of other alliances are currently in the same campaignId as you are, or not.This addon is still in beta mode so if you fi

CyroDeal module: CyroGroup - Help with g... 作者: marlonbrando

Dependencies:CyroDealThis addon provides some added functionality to make life a little easier in Cyrodiil.Provides a way to automatically scrape Discord info from guild page and send it to group chat.Adds an extra "always accept" option when accept

tim99s FTSIO 作者: tim99

Dependencies:LibAddonMenu (which you most likely already have)Description:You can setup a hotkey which:ports you to your cyro-main campaign when you are in Imperial-City or in PvE,ports you to Imperial-City when you are in Cyrodiil.Auto accepts

Xvfoo - The Clever Alchemist 作者: Xorzoo

Credits: ESO UIClever Alchemist Helper by adjutantClever Alchemist Potion blocker by gr1mr4aperCleverOdymist - Clever Alchemist Potion Blocker by OdylonDisclaimers:This was a personal addon, it is made because I couldn't find any Clever Alch

BSCs-AlliancePointInfo 作者: BloodStainCHild

An Simple Addon To Track How faar away you are from max Alliance rank, also added Info Below the Progessbars Added an new AP Bar To Display Total AP needAdded Below the Bars an Lable For better information

CyroDeal Module: CyroLeader - tools for... 作者: marlonbrando

This is a simple tool which keeps track of guild attendance by adding a PVP:<date> tag to the guild roster for every guild member who shows up in Cyrodiil in a PVP raid.Dependencies:CyroDealLibGuildRoster

CyroDeal - A modular interface presentin... 作者: marlonbrando

This addon provides the glue used by other pieces in the CyroDeal family. So, you'll need to download other addons which rely on it to get any real functionality.Currently available modules:CyroLeader - tools for group leadersDependencies:LibChatMessa