
FishBreak 作者: Solaris Lorica

Purpose:Graphical indicator for when to reel in fish.Function:When a fish is on the hook, "FISH" appears in the middle of the screen. Until the fish is caught or the person stops fishing.Mechanics:Uses EVENT_INVENTORY_SINGLE_SLOT_UPDATE to measure a c

IsJusta Decon Carried Items List 作者: IsJustaGhost

Requires LibAddonMenu-2.0Works in Gamepad Mode and Keyboard/Mouse ModeNEW:3added option to auto "Add All". This option will add all filtered items to be deconstructed on opening the station or assistant.Features Refine Adds the option to only show

ResearchTimer - Unofficial Update 作者: Fennek

This is an updated version of ResearchTimer by hisdad (you can find the original AddOn here) since the original AddOn has not been updated for over 3 years now.Please uninstall the original version before installing this one! Having both might just break

Unknown Tracker 作者: kadeer

What It DoesDisplay Inventory Icon and/or Tooltip for unknown Motifs, Recipes, Furnishings, Stylepages and RuneboxesMultiple accounts supported e.g. @MyMainAccount and @MyOtherAccountBank, Guild Bank, Store Vendor and Guild Store supportedAutomatical