
Refinement Tracker 作者: Kyzeragon

Refinement Tracker is a simple addon that displays how many raw materials you have refined and the boosters (tannins, tempers, resins, plating dust) obtained from them.The result window can be opened by typing the command /refined or by setting a keybin

Gold Per Hour 作者: satchmo1991

A simple addon that uses LibPrice to calculate the value of all the items and gold you loot and displays the total value per session, and your current gold per hour rate.This addon is useful to compare different farming routes or locations, or to keep tr

TraitBuster 作者: Jacoboon

TraitBuster 1.1Identify duplicate items waiting to be trait researched.This addon is extremely specific in it's design. It was created to free up space in your bank that is needlessly taken up by duplicate pieces of gear waiting to be researched. If y

No Research Dupes 作者: kierdavis

DescriptionNoResearchDupes is an Elder Scrolls Online add-on to detect when you have more than one item that can be researched to provide the same trait, and mark all but one of them as a "duplicate" so that you can sell or deconstruct them.Researching

Auto Research Scrolls 作者: ghostbane

Dependencies: LibAddonMenu-2.0 LibChatMessage LibAsync Auto Research Scrolls-------------------------------------------This addon will auto consume any 1-Day Research Scroll (Writ/gold bought) related to either Blacksmithing, Woodworking, Clothing and J

Favourite Furniture Crafter 作者: DonRomano

This addon enables selection of favourite recipes (recipes, diagrams, patterns, blueprints, formulae, praxes and designs). Selected recipes can be then filtered out using checkbox in the list header. This is an extension of the standard ESO UI so it won't

Votan's Improved Provisioner 作者: votan

DescriptionIn the beginning, with an empty recipe list, it was ok not having a big empty black window. But if you know more and more recipes the list gets real small compared to the big material panel.This addon rearranges the controls for more space f