
FOB - Companion Helper 作者: FlatBadger

FOB is a companion mod to prevent accidental companion interaction.Ever clicked to loot something only to find your companion conversation starting because they have leapt in front of you to grab all your attention? Annoying isn't it? (Well, I find it a

Display Leads - with Location Info 作者: remosito

Credits:Original Detailed Location Information was created by @inklings ( https://www.twitch.tv/inklings ) Thanks so much for letting me use it!Big Thanks as welll to esoui's frozenhamster for transforming @inklings multisheet info into one table for

Companion Frame 作者: FlatBadger

RequirementsLibSavedVarsLibAddonMenu-2.0A replacement companion frame, complete with summoning functions.

CancelCast 作者: Ace