
Added Info - Targeted Unit Frame 作者: MrPikPik

Display a characters race and class while targeting them.If you share a guild or are friends with that person it will be denoted by an icon.DependenciesLibAddonMenu-2.0Optional: Character Data Collector**) If you have that addon installed, this addon

PyramidAttributes 作者: iiJonno

Can Now be unlocked and dragged to any position you like and has shield infoPyramidAttributes is a really simple lightweight addon that moves attribute bars to the centre in a pyramid style leaving enough room for action duration reminders shift bar and

GlossFreeAttribute 作者: Tarkasion

Just a tiny addon to get rid of all the glossy texture from the attribute bars, without changing the frames. Also works with a damage shield on.------------Juste un mini addon pour débarrasser les barres de caractéristiques de leur texture "rouge à

KharfUi 作者: Kharf

KharfUi. This UI is heavily influenced by www.tukui.org, which is an awesome ui for WoW.Currently it is in an unusable state. Please be aware that this project just started and is under development.I published this project in order to receive early feed

Pet Health 作者: goobsnake

LOCALIZATION'S:REQUIREMENTS:If neither of the libraries listed below are installed, the add-on will continue to work but on a very limited basis.1. LibSlashCommander library required for in-game slash commands.2. LibAddonMenu is required for addon sett

CancelCast 作者: Ace

Lui Extended 作者: ArtOfShred