
Auto Read 作者: Momotaur

This is a simple addon that allows you to auto read books. Instead of having to close books manually, now you don't even have to see them at all! Who reads anyways? Not me!This addon's functionality is available elsewhere, but why install an addon that d

SprintSens (Fixed) 作者: GalacticWar

When you sprint in ESO your sensitivity is lowered. This mod disables that mechanic.Now requires LibAddonMenu-2.0!Credits:Thanks to hocuz for making the original mod!Available here: https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info2252-SprintSens.html

Music Volume In Combat 作者: kafeijao

Music Volume In Combat is a simple addon that changes the volume of the game's music when you enter combat and sets it back to the original value when gets out of combat. It is made for those people that really enjoy the game's music but get annoyed by t

IsJusta Ready Check Tamer 作者: IsJustaGhost

Works in Gamepad Mode and Keyboard/Mouse ModeThis addon will prevent the group ready check dialogue spam. The dialogue will not reopen repeatedly like it does now. It will open on cooldown.It effects all "Timed prompts".Cooldown time is based on half

Chalutier 作者: Sem

Chalutier adds a small Icon to the User-Interface that shows different fishing states and more, to improve players fishing performance.Depends on LibAddonMenu.Depends on FishingStateMachine.States that are shown by Chalutier:IDLE: Running around, neit

tim99s ColoredLists 作者: tim99

´Dependencies:LibAddonMenu (which you most likely already have)EN: Addon-Description:Colorizes all categories in different lists according to completeness or status ?Lorebooks/Motifs/Shalidors LibrarySet collection (Stickerbook)AchievementsAn