
Controller Tweaks 作者: xeio

Tweaks to ESO's Controller UIThis add-on is a hodgepodge of tweaks to ESO's default controller/gamepad UI to make the controller experience a bit nicer. Configure options by using /controllertweaks chat command.Inventory:Shows Junk indicators, and rese

Burning Language Selector 作者: IBurningTV

this addon has been created for players who wish to have audio and text in two different languages.By default the language is set to English, you just have to go to Settings > Addons > Burning Language Selector, To change your language (a reloadUi

Slash Shop, Fence, and Bank (and More) 作者: Circuitous

(Requires LibAddonMenu-2.0.)Adds commands and keybinds for summoning your Assistants./shop - summons the assigned Merchant/fence - summons the assigned Fence/bank - summons the assigned Banker/comp - summons the assigned Companion/armory - summons t

EsoSets - Set Search 作者: Dr_Swizz

Search for sets in game by weight, set bonus, dungeon / trial, zone, update, and type. ie crafted, monster,overland ...To Open the addon simply type /esosets into the chatTo Search from chat type /setsearch followed by whatever you would like to search

Auto Read 作者: Momotaur

This is a simple addon that allows you to auto read books. Instead of having to close books manually, now you don't even have to see them at all! Who reads anyways? Not me!This addon's functionality is available elsewhere, but why install an addon that d