
Ags Invididual Item Price Filter 作者: be.ste

What it does?It adds a new filter to the Awesome Guild Store filter options.You can now define maximum prices per individul item in addition to the maximum price of all filtered items.--------------------Dependencies:- AwesomeGuildStore>=2635 (obv

Alchemy Tooltips 作者: Hyperioxes

Displays cheapest way to craft certain potion, poison or alchemy master writ in its tooltip along with crafting cost, based on LibPrice prices. Changes potions' names and icons to reflect their actual effects and changes their quality color based on craf

AncestralMotifsCheck 作者: tumsa

If AwesomeGuildStore addon is available, AncestralMotifsCheck will provide a filter for Master Writs with those that require Ancestral Motifs filtered out.

AutoRefine 作者: ihause

Addon refines raw materials (jewelrycrafting dust, blacksmithing, clothier and woodworking) automatically. It calculates and saves between sessions the amount and probabilities of refined materials.How to use:Open craft station, press button "Auto Refin

Awesome Guild Store - Unknown on Alts Fi... 作者: remosito

Adds a Filter Section to Awesome Guild Store that lets you check for unknown recipes/motifs/patterns on Alts.Basically allows you to filter and how only stuff your Crafter doesn't know yet while playing other Characters.Requires:- AwesomeGuildStore -