
NamePlater (Custom Fonts/Styles/Sizes) 作者: kadeer

Description:Allows you to use custom fonts, change the style and size of nameplatesImportant Prerequisites:LibAddonMenu-2.0 requiredHave to Restart game for the custom fonts to show (reloadui/relogin is not enough)If disabling addon, you will need

CookiesAutoFillMailer 作者: ragingpix3l

Ever wanted to send multiple mails to your friends? tired of typing the name in and subject line over and over? well no more! Cookie's autofill mailer will fill in the subject lines and @name of most recently sent mail!

CraftbagRunner 作者: ShadowMau

Dump the contents of your crafting bag into a fileI was curious, so I cobbled this together. Not pretty, but it is more intended as a proof-of-concept / informational than actually practical. Basically this will dump the entire list of items in the craft

UnstableUnicornGuildGrabber 作者: ragingpix3l

This addon has optional dependency FCONotes (013) and works also with MailR enabledShows mail sender guild if in the same guilds beta version

CookiesMailInfo 作者: ragingpix3l

Gets attached items value in mail inboxRequires ATT or MM to fetch avg prices

KelaPadUI 作者: rkirgizov

Main page for mod and release version: only in Russian and English12.08.2020Hi, all!New version. See screenshotsCompleted the main work on the research interface. Now all the information is

Lib3DArrow 作者: kadeer

Currently in Betafeel free to use this code, i only made it to see if it was possible to put "more clear" text in 3d space (its really a bunch of images from a spritesheet/billboard)Required LibrariesLib3DLibGPSLibMapPingDescriptionAllows display o

Simple Keybind 作者: ShadowMau

A simple example of how to add a keybinding to the in-game controls. This is more for my own personal use as a reference and practice for uploading future addons.Use:/st - display a simple diagnostic message to the chat windowLook under the Controls me

AllCraft 作者: MethosFrost

AllCraft Will Replace several of my often used Crafting Addons and allow for order taking and direct mail. Currently in pre-alpha uploading for access assistance.**Only Accountwide settings currently**Required Lib Addons:LibStub (Will remove when I get

Chess multiplayer 作者: Drako-Ei

CHESS MULTIPLAYERThis addon will let you play chess against any other player with the addon (whisper @Drako-Ei if you want to play against me!)How to playBoth players need to be groupedBoth players type /chess, one chooses white, other chooses black,