
Item Sets Summary Page Percentages 作者: tombaa

This was originally a small addon to add a total progress bar to the item sets collection, but with the arrival of the summary page in the Deadlands patch, the addon was updated to just add percentages to the summary page on the progress barsFind the cod

CookiesAutoFillMailer 作者: ragingpix3l

Ever wanted to send multiple mails to your friends? tired of typing the name in and subject line over and over? well no more! Cookie's autofill mailer will fill in the subject lines and @name of most recently sent mail!

CraftbagRunner 作者: ShadowMau

Dump the contents of your crafting bag into a fileI was curious, so I cobbled this together. Not pretty, but it is more intended as a proof-of-concept / informational than actually practical. Basically this will dump the entire list of items in the craft

CookiesMailInfo 作者: ragingpix3l

Gets attached items value in mail inboxRequires ATT or MM to fetch avg prices

UnstableUnicornGuildGrabber 作者: ragingpix3l

This addon has optional dependency FCONotes (013) and works also with MailR enabledShows mail sender guild if in the same guilds beta version

The Compendium (Demo) 作者: Alianym

Welcome to The Compendium!Do you like Custom Quests? 'Cause I do! If you do too, then I have to disappoint you because this is only a demo of approximately one-and-a-half quests. But hey! Give it a whirl and get a taste of some custom user-created conte

Are we there yet? 作者: Mitaa

AreWeThereYet calculates the date on which you will reach CP3600.New in 0.6.0:- Major bugfix: incompatible change in data storage, see change log for details- User feedback: calculate subgoals (thanks to Falja for suggesting this)New in 0.5.0:- Suppo

Where Are You 作者: kadeer

Currently in Betathis is just an example for using Lib3DArrow but it works pretty goodLibraries NeededLib3DArrowLib3DLibGPSLibMapPingThis is a Demo for Lib3dArrow, it creates 3D arrows pointing to Way Points and Rally points which have been set b

Lib3DArrow 作者: kadeer

Currently in Betafeel free to use this code, i only made it to see if it was possible to put "more clear" text in 3d space (its really a bunch of images from a spritesheet/billboard)Required LibrariesLib3DLibGPSLibMapPingDescriptionAllows display o

DO NOT USE - BETA: IsJusta Gamepad Inven... 作者: IsJustaGhost

Non-Beta is here is just a Test build. As always, I try to keep everything integrated with the original UI so it looks like it belongs there.Beta:Adds a Tab category for Set items and is mostly f