Olorime 作者: Wheels

Description:Works with both perfected and non-perfected versions of the set.Olorime follows the same theme as the Acuity addon as it is a very simple timer for keeping track of your own personal Olorime proc. This addon is not for a dps player, it is fo

OdyHybridHeal 作者: Odylon

Originally developed as private addon back when playing Z'en and Martial Knowledge as healer became a thing - hence the name HybridHeal - it since then has grown to a full blown toolkit for healers.UI elements can be moved in mouse-mode, all settings ar

ODT 作者: black dragon

Initialement développé pour les officiers de la guilde "Orbe du Temps" cet addon a évolué pour apporter certaines fonctionnalités :• Serment des indomptables (pledges) sur un simple clic• Horloge• Chronomètre• Performances• Statistiques in

Molag Kena Tracker 作者: aldericon

A very simple addon that has the Molag Kena Helm pop-up whenever you trigger the Molag Kena Set's proc 'Overkill'. The icon pops up with a countdown in the middle - counting down until the buff is no longer up - and then disappears after reaching 0.The a

Miat's Shadow Image 作者: dorrino

This is a standalone version of my shadow image code implemented as a part of pvp alerts.It provides an icon on the screen when your shadow image is up.The icon has shadow image duration is seconds and if you're on the weapon bar with shadow image skill

Martial Knowledge Tracker 作者: Skvysh

Warning!Due to an old error, updating to version 1.7.1 (and up) will wipe your previous settings and you will need to setup the addon the way you like again. I apologize for the inconvenience. Way of the Martial Knowledge TrackerA simple addon to track

MajorCourageTracker 作者: Muffins714

By @Muffins714Tracks who in your group has the the Major Courage buff (Spell Power Cure, Vestment of Olorime, Perfect Vestment of Olorime).thank you @ahndrew for the addd on! I just updated and added more to it!Works inHel Ra CitadelAetherian Archive

Major Courage Tracker 作者: ahndrew

I adapted this add-on for personal use from Healer BFF by @JRCandeias, which itself is a modified version of Purge Tracker by @code65536.This add-on tracks the presence of the Major Courage buff in a group window frame by highlighting the users that have