Healer BFF 作者: JRCandeias

I have been using this addon at a personal level and it was adapted from Purge Tracker addon created by @code65536.This addon will track who in your group has minor berserk buff from Combat Prayer in the current Trials, arenas and all the DLC dungeons.J

Acuity 作者: Wheels

Description:Acuity is a simple tracker that shows when your Mechanical Acuity proc is available, how much time is remaining on a current proc, and how much time is left before your next proc. Unlock position in settings menu to re-position it to desired

Thrassian Assistant 作者: ownedbynico

Thrassian AssistantLeave your keycaps on your keyboard! This addon will unbind yourcrouch key(s) if you equip the Thrassian Gloves and rebind the keys if you unequip them.Also offers a little panel to track your stacks.UPDATE: If you are using AlphaGea

Thrassian Tracker 作者: Wheels

IF YOU ARE USING THE GROUP STACKS OPTION, UPDATE HODOR REFLEXES!Simple tracker to show how many stacks of Sload's Call from Thrassian Stranglers you currently have.If you’re using HodorReflexes, you can also enable an option to view the stacks of your

Stonefist Tracker 作者: Hyperioxes

This addon is discontinued, it's now part of Hyper Tanking ToolsUI that helps tracking Stagger debuff on bosses as well as Stonefist stacks on yourself.UI appears only in combat but you can make it appear and move it by typing /stonefisttrackerAbove tex

Trap 作者: Wheels

No one has made a better version of this yet unfortunately so I've taken it upon myself to at least improve this one a bit.Rebuilt the UI completely so it's not as ugly, added a few more options, as well as a fancy resize feature (a good sign for RaidBuf

StunBreak 作者: Solaris Lorica

Purpose:To give players a clearer indication of their cc state, in particular stun state and fear state.Function:When stunned, "STUNNED" shows up in the middle of screen.Mechanics:It uses event EVENT_PLAYER_STUNNED_STATE_CHANGED (eventCode, bool) to f

RootBreak 作者: Solaris Lorica

Purpose:To give players a clearer indication of their cc state, in particular root state.Function:When rooted, "ROOTED" shows up in the middle of screen.Mechanics:It uses event EVENT_DISPLAY_ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP (eventCode, result) to register entering i

Root State 作者: Solaris Lorica

Purpose:I tried to find an addon that indicates root state and I didn't find any for some reason. So I made an addon that does that. This addon is intended for people who write addons, and shed some light on EVENT_DISPLAY_ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP.Function:Whe