
Perfect Weave 作者: andy.s

TL;DR: install the addon, quickly press light attacks and skills multiple times (aka spam), enjoy perfect weaving.Want to weave light attacks as fast as Liko, but always missing a few of them? Tired of double casting your scalding rune or boneyard? Worr

Cooldowns - HT Update Branch 作者: hacktank

This is an updated version of the excellent Cooldowns addon created by g4rr3t. Original link: https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info2164-Cooldowns.htmlIf there are any other sets that you want added, go ahead and request. Ill get to them when I can.This b

BountyTimeDisplay 作者: AeolusDraco

Inspired by BountyTimer, this is a simple timer that integrates with the existing vanilla justice UI.*IMPORTANT NOTE*As it is integrated with the vanilla UI, it has the same limitations, such as not appearing in houses.

ResourceTickIndicator 作者: bluebuiy

Tracks the passive resource restore tick that occurs every 2 seconds. This is useful because (as of U28) if you stop blocking or sprinting before it ticks you will restore resources and can increase block/sprint uptime.The yellow bar will fill. The tick

Force Overflow 作者: Wheels

The new resto staff from Vateshran Hollows creates a tether between the user and the target that does not last the same amount of time as the skill. This timer will track the amount of time remaining on the tether, and will update if the tether is broken

Hyper Tanking Tools 作者: Hyperioxes

Hyper Tanking Tools is a set of trackers and other toolsDependencies:-LibAddonMenu-LibMsgWinDebuff Tracker:Tracks debuffs on current target and up to 6 bosses. You can set it up so it tracks different debuffs on current target frames and on boss frames

Potion Reminder 作者: Kamaros

Potion Reminder helps you to maintain your potion buff uptimes by reminding you to drink a potion at the start of combat and when a potion cooldown ends. Potion Reminder is active in the following situations:Boss fights (trial, dungeon, world)PvP zone f

Courage 作者: iiJonno

This is a Modified version of Trap by WheelsModified to track Major Courage from Olorime, Perfected Olorime, Spell Power CureDependencies : LibAddonMenu-2.0Big Thanks to Wheels for the original Addonand to Eymix for all the help

CannaReflexes 作者: monster_wolf

This addon is an extension for HodorReflexes that allow specific users to change how its own name is displayed.If you or your guild wants to be included in this addon, don't hesitate to contact us via ESOUI.