
Gear overview 作者: ronnie.vd.c

This addon provides an interface to display what items you have in a set in your bank or bag, primarily to verify sets to give roles in discord guilds.If you have Inventory Insight installed. This addon lists also your gear on other characters.Dependenci

Calamath's Quest Tracker 作者: Calamath

Description:This add-on provides a traditional MMORPG style multiple quest tracker, distributed under the Artistic License 2.0In designing an alternative for the standard focus quest tracker, there are three things we wanted to improve with this add-on

Votan's Improved Sets Book 作者: votan

DependenciesLibChatMessageDescriptionAdds a "Favorites" category to the sets book. In order to add/remove a set to the favorites, right-click the set header. The context-menu has new entries.Improves visibility between collected and not collected se

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) 作者: Kyzeragon

Presets Window- Allows you to save, load, and delete champion point presets- Presets are saved per tree instead of all together- These do NOT save your slottable stars! Just the point allocations- Ability to specify what classes and/or roles the pres