
Random Dungeon Timer Countdown 作者: SimpsForBreda

Shameless one-off of adrenalinetaco's excellent Random Dungeon Timer addon:https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info3358-RandomDungeonTimer.htmlModified to show countdown on HUD at all times, rather than being available only via chat commands on demand; help

Lykeion's Home Sweet Home - Dedicated ke... 作者: Lykeion

A simple addon that allow you to set a keybinding to jump to Sugar Bowl Suite. You can also use slash command "/hshj" to jump directly.I'm pretty sure that there should be other addons that enable teleportation to specific houses. But the Sugar Bowl Suit

Caro's CraftStore Marker Extension 作者: Irniben

This is a small extension for CraftStore FoA.It adds a red X in chat to every motif, recipe or furnishing plan that at least one of your characters tracked by CraftStore hasn't learned yet. You don't have to configure this addon, just make sure the righ

QuestSkipper 作者: helixanon

If you ever spammed E through the countless dialogues just to get that quest XP, here's an addon that does it for you automatically.1) Accepts and turns in the quests2) Talks to the NPCs, choosing all previously not chosen phrases. By default, stops upo

Pithka's Achievement Tracker 作者: pithka

Launch with "/pat" (for Pithka's Achievement Tracker) or key binding. This addon tracks end-game dungeon and trial achievements. Maintained by @Pithka and @BranddiTrial TrackerDungeon TrackerScores per characterSweatiest PVEer CompetitionCongratulatio