
Provision's The Best Quest : Get the eas... 作者: Provision

Some NPC gives random daily quest. When you give up this daily quest and retake the quest you got a new one, a different quest.This addOn increases the process of giveup -> retake to pick the quest that you want.You have 3 keys bindings :First, to g

Pithka's Achievement Tracker 作者: pithka

Launch with "/pat" (for Pithka's Achievement Tracker) or key binding. This addon tracks end-game dungeon and trial achievements. Maintained by @Pithka and @BranddiTrial TrackerDungeon TrackerScores per characterSweatiest PVEer CompetitionCongratulatio

Pithka Achievement Exporter 作者: worhello

DependenciesThis addon depends on the following addons and won't load without themPithkasAchievementTrackerLibCopyWindowDescriptionThis is a small helper utility to help with exporting Achievement Data, to be used in conjunction with the below website t

Pet Dead Alert 作者: rockingdice

RockingDice's Pet Dead AlertThis simple add-on will alert you when your pet is dead in combat.You may try Channel Skill Helper if you want to summon your pet and use its active skill in sequence by spamming the skill button.