
ESO-Skillfactory.com Build Export 作者: Keldor

Supported Client LanguagesDescriptionThis AddOn provides a chat command to simply export your current build to the build planer of ESO-Skillfactory.comThe following is exported to the Build Planer:Learned SkillsThe characters Action BarsAttribute Poi

Extra Chat Menu - Trade with HideGroup,... 作者: quickc

Features:Right click on a players name in chat and it will allow you to:Invite to Trade (*Requires you to be near them in-game)Visit their Primary ResidenceSend in-game MailCopy their nameTravel to Player (*Requires you to be Friends or in a group w

Flex 作者: Gloomwidow

Flex is a simple addon which allows to quickly link conquerors achievements, often required by PUGs in Craglorn to join veteran trials. Instead of searching in Achievements tab, you can execute command which will put link in chat ready to be sent.Curren

GampeadChatNoFade 作者: Baertram

Tis is a simple addon which prevents the fading of the gamepad chat.No options menu, no slash commands.Chat will be not fading for 999999 seconds now.If you want to change that value for the unpinned/pinned (minimized) mode:Edit the file GamepadchatNo