
AdBlock 作者: peniku8

AdBlock can hide chat messages of the following types:- Loot/carry run sellers- Guild adverts- Crown trades (wtb wts)- Item trades (wtb wts)- nTrial runs- vTrial runs- HyperlinksIt will hide messages from zone, say, yell and en-zone chatrooms.

AdBlock Plus - Block Chat Advertisements... 作者: scorpius2k1

:: I am no longer playing/developing anything for ESO. This addon may continue to work fine, but please use at your own risk as it will not receive further updates. If any addon developers would like to take over this project, please let me know. ::Apol

Added Info - Guild Logins 作者: MrPikPik

Allows you to see guild members logging on and off and with which character.DependenciesLibAddonMenu-2.0The messages will be colored in the same color you set for the guild chat messages and have the same format as the logon/logoff messages you get f

Aenathel's Lazy Chat Linker 作者: Aenathel

This add-on allows you to link items by shift-clicking them.Currently limited to linking items from your inventory, including equipped items.More chat linking functionality is planned, stay tuned!DependenciesThe following dependencies are needed for the

Auto Complete 作者: Dolgubon

Auto Complete will finish slash commands and player names while you are typing them in. It acts similar to a browser filling in the URL you are typing.Example:Say you type /buc into the chatbox. The addon will show /bucketsplash. Whatever you didn't typ

Auto Recruit 作者: peniku8

Recruiting was never easier - Auto Recruit is the perfect tool for guildmasters, officers and dedicated recruiters:The addon can paste recruitment ads via hotkeys, automatically invite players to your guild of choice when they whisper you a certain keyw

Azura Guild Messages 作者: Aerilita

This is a guild addon for Azura's Kingdom Guild.Установка: распакуйте содержимое архива в папку с аддонами (\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns).Использование: назначьте п