
Azura Guild Messages 作者: Aerilita

This is a guild addon for Azura's Kingdom Guild.Установка: распакуйте содержимое архива в папку с аддонами (\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns).Использование: назначьте п

Joker - Jokes, Rolls, Ready Checks, Ridd... 作者: Lent

Best enjoyed with Skooma, Joker offers a growing collection of 3100+ various jokes, riddles, fun utilities (like rolls, custom ready checks, etc) & other amusing pop-culture references - all readily available ingame for your leisurely chatting pleas

Added Info - Guild Logins 作者: MrPikPik

Allows you to see guild members logging on and off and with which character.DependenciesLibAddonMenu-2.0The messages will be colored in the same color you set for the guild chat messages and have the same format as the logon/logoff messages you get f

Toogle Error UI 作者: CastorMatze

My first LUA. Type in chat window: /xxx -> toggle error display on/off. Type /yyy: ReloadGUInew in version 0.07: The error message is disabled at startup.new in version 0.08: Small text changes, unimportant errors fixed.new in version 0.09: Small te

Name Language Ninja - Translation assistant 作者: Shinntarou

This add-on outputs names and descriptions of items and skills in other languages to your tooltip.Also can replace some LinkInChat.(in latest version, LinkInChat of Item only.)DependsOn:LibMultilingualNameLibAddonMenu-2.0DependsOn(Optional):Item S

EasyThief 作者: Weper

English:This AddOn helps you to manage easily your stolen items.It displays you the fence transactions such as:- Launders- SellsIt shows also:- The number of the stolen items in your inventory- Fence reset time- Estimated sells leftThere is a "tre

ESO Emoji 作者: kitkathy1994

EMOJI! In your own game! What are you going to do? Required Dependencies:None! This add-on is 100% stand-alone!What does it do?This add-on will convert any emoji it detects into a fully beautiful emoji icon in your chat!It shows you the emoji in reg