
LibHistoire - Guild History 作者: sirinsidiator

What is this library for?Up until now, addons had to send guild history requests to the server individually, which in the past has lead to huge performance problems as more and more players started using these addons and ultimately forced ZOS to throttl

GuildPlanner.Pro Data Exporter 作者: Gelmir

GuildPlanner.Pro Data Exporter Add-on.This addon exports player data to be uploaded to our website - GuildPlanner.Pro.After installing our Desktop Addon Client (can be found at GuildPlanner.Pro after signing up), the export LUA file of this addon will

ESO-Database.com Game Data Export AddOn 作者: Keldor

Supported Client LanguagesAddOn DescriptionThis add-on exports game-related data such as the location of chests, psijik portals and thieves troves. The data is used among other things to make this available to other developers for their project.You can

History 作者: hisdad

Endeavor Tracker 作者: Lari

Join my addon Discord server to discuss Endeavor Tracker! - https://discord.gg/tsHe7syRaUNEW! Endeavor History to track all your completed endeavors!**Now available in French, German, Russian, and Japanese!**An addon that displays your daily and