
CompanionInfo 作者: SkOODaT

Moveable Frame To Show Companion Information + Tooltip With Extended Information.Required Lib: LibAddonMenu-2.0Main Frame Example:Name Level (Expierence) XP% [XP Gains] RapportLevel (PreviousRapportAmount) [RapportChanges] (RapportCurrentAmount) Color C

Calamath's Shortcut Pie Menu 作者: Calamath

Description:This add-on provides a pie menu (radial menu) for shortcuts to various UI operations, except for slottable items. - Do you like opening the collection menu every time you summon your favorite assistant or companion?- Are you tired of typin

Alternative Group Frames 作者: buldezir

Like JoGroup but better full support of gamepad modeBulDeZir#1079https://gitlab.com/teso-addons/alt-group-framesPLEASE SUBMIT ISSUES/REQUESTS here: https://gitlab.com/teso-addons/alt-g...rames/-/issues

Added Info - Raid Info Panel 作者: MrPikPik

Adds the trial time as well as extends the death counter to display the total deaths beyond the trials vitality limitThis is basically the modded base game version of Raidificator~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Check out other addons from the "Add

MrPikPik's Group Loot Display 作者: MrPikPik

This loot notification addon adds the loot group members pick up in the bottom right corner where you own loot gets displayed too.If you don't know a set item yet in your collections, it will be displayed in red. Same goes for recipies and blueprints on

Guard Status 作者: MrPikPik

Adds a small window that displays the status of guard.It shows if and who you are guarding or if you are being guarded by someone.The UI widget becomes visible as soon as you have the guard skill equipped or if someone casts a guard on you.If you are g

Decluttered Scrying Leads 作者: kawamonkey

Hides always available simple/green starting leads for each zone from the All Active Leads list, letting you see at a glance what leads actually need doing

True Bounty 作者: kawamonkey

Shows the true cost of paying your bounty to a guard by adding in the number and value of stolen items that will be confiscated

Better Difficulties 作者: kawamonkey

Replaces the rather confusing terms that ESO uses for lockpicking and scrying difficulties with numeric values so you can tell at a glance what you've got