
Rose Guildhalls 作者: Kay.Cee

Dependencies: LibAddonMenu, LibCustomMenu, and OdySupportIcons(for Rose Icons in guild roster and chat) Rose Guilds is a collection of active and welcoming social guilds in ESO.We play on PC EU but ALL players are welcome to our Discord server. [Discord

Exterminatus Group Leader - Updated 作者: amuridee

original file by Exterminatus.EU presents extGroupLeaderextGroupLeader is a plugin for Elder Scrolls Online that allows you to track your group leader.SettingsModesMode: Elastic Reticle Arrows: Your target reticle will have two additional arrows, one o

Advanced Member Tooltip - LibHistoire 作者: Sharlikran

This addon adds some information to the standard guild roster tooltips:- Days since a member joined- Last Seen - When the player logged off- Amount of gold that a member deposited or has withdrawn from the guild bank. (Must have Guild Permissions)- Pl

Auto Ranks 作者: peniku8

Auto Ranks:A must have for every trade guild admin:Auto Ranks does exactly what its name suggests: it automatically allocates guild member ranks depending on the players' sales and/or donations. Okay, it's semi-auto, you have to trigger it manually (but

ITTs Roster Bot ( ITT RB ) 作者: JN Slevin

Dependencies: LibAddonMenu-2.0 LibChatMessage LibGuildRoster LibDebugLogger LibTextFilterOther Addons from ITT:ITTs Donation Bot - Keeps track of guild donations.ITTs Ghostwriter - Backup notes, send welcome mail, set note for newcomers.About99% of th

Arcanum Artis GuildHall 作者: Niwasaka

DEEinfaches Dropdown-Menü welches es ermöglicht schnell zu einem der Gildenhäuser zu reisen. Des weiteren ist es jetzt möglich direkt zum Gruppenleiter zu reisen sowie innerhalb der jeweiligen Gruppe die eigene Dailies zu teilen (Entweder alle oder

Port to Jo (aka Fast Port to Group Leader) 作者: Tazmyr

Port to Jo enables fast teleport to your Group Leader with either a single (bound) Keystroke, or slash command. Great for Zone Stomps, or any activity when you would like to port quickly and easily to your Group Leader, especially if you do it often.(T

FastReset 作者: m00nyONE

FastResetThis addon is made for players who want to complete trifectas in trials with their groups.Are you tired of resetting the instance all the time? Port out, port back in? Then someone forgets to refill his ultimate & the first trash starts with