
Golden Light Guild Hall Portal 作者: Lerozain

Golden Light (PC NA) guild members can now teleport to the guild hall easier than ever before!This addon will add a new button to your chat window which can be used to easily teleport you to the guild hall.You may also use the added slash command ("/glh

Color To Hex 作者: Phuein

Gift me @phuein in-game, if you have extra crowns and appreciate my addons. (Ask me which DLC I didn't get yet!) Thank you!This addon is useful if you're coloring text, such as in your guild MOTD or Member Note. It lets you pick a color in the normal ga

Port to Jo (aka Fast Port to Group Leader) 作者: Tazmyr

Port to Jo enables fast teleport to your Group Leader with either a single (bound) Keystroke, or slash command. Great for Zone Stomps, or any activity when you would like to port quickly and easily to your Group Leader, especially if you do it often.(T

Guild Tools By Fen 作者: Fenweldryn

Guild Tools By FenThis is going to be a toolkit to help manage guilds.WHAT DOES IT DOhow long ago a guild member joined the guild in a tooltip when you hover the guild member name.bank gold deposited and withdrew in a tooltip when you hover the guild

ITTs Ghostwriter 作者: jnslevin

Dependencies: LibAddonMenu LibGuildRoster LibCustomMenu LibChatMessageMain FeaturesBackup member notesSend welcome mailSet a template note for new membersOther Addons from ITT:ITTs Donation Bot - Keeps track of guild donationsITTs Roster Bot- Keeps

Exterminatus Group Leader - Updated 作者: amuridee

original file by Exterminatus.EU presents extGroupLeaderextGroupLeader is a plugin for Elder Scrolls Online that allows you to track your group leader.SettingsModesMode: Elastic Reticle Arrows: Your target reticle will have two additional arrows, one o

Guild Rank Colors 作者: Phuein

Concept by NordCarbon. Thank you! And check out my other addons!This addon lets you set colors for each guild rank, so player display names are colored in the guild roster window.