
LibWarCry 作者: m00nyONE

LibWarCryLibWarCry enables addon authors to create their own group syncronized warcrys by playing back collectiblesit is used as a base for the WarCry addonFunctionsCode:LibWarCry:CreateWarCry("$NAME", {ID,ID,ID,...})Code:LibWarCry:PlayWarCry("$N

ITTs Roster Bot ( ITT RB ) 作者: JN Slevin

Dependencies: LibAddonMenu-2.0 LibChatMessage LibGuildRoster LibDebugLogger LibTextFilterOther Addons from ITT:ITTs Donation Bot - Keeps track of guild donations.ITTs Ghostwriter - Backup notes, send welcome mail, set note for newcomers.About99% of th

ITTs Ghostwriter 作者: jnslevin

Dependencies: LibAddonMenu LibGuildRoster LibCustomMenu LibChatMessageMain FeaturesBackup member notesSend welcome mailSet a template note for new membersOther Addons from ITT:ITTs Donation Bot - Keeps track of guild donationsITTs Roster Bot- Keeps

PUGmo - The Pick Up Group utility + more 作者: Tigertron

PUGmo = Pick Up Group Utility and moreWho is it for?Anyone who groups for Dungeons and Trials, PUG or otherwise. What does it do?In a nutshell: It adds some QoL features to help make the PUG and grouping experience better. Specifically, it filters ch

WarCry 作者: m00nyONE

WarCry's for everyone! The WarCry addon is a shortcut for playing collectibles / emotes via chat comands or at the press of a button. It is primarly used by our raidgroup to take screenshots & to just do some fun things.The collectibile which is cu

Royal House Club 作者: royalhouse

This addon is designed to collect The Elder Scrolls Online game character data and save the information for synchronization with the Royal House platform.This works only for Royal House guild members.

Bandits Guildhall 作者: Hoft

Дополнение для участников гильдий Сообщества Bandits.Добавляет в стандартный интерфейс гильдий кнопки для быстрого перемещения в гильдейск

Guild Rank Colors 作者: Phuein

Concept by NordCarbon. Thank you! And check out my other addons!This addon lets you set colors for each guild rank, so player display names are colored in the guild roster window.

I'm Calling U - Don't miss notification... 作者: tdenc

CAN'T YOU HEAR ME? FeaturesThis addon starts ringing when you get notification or chat:Notifications (Stop ringing when you accept/decline the notification)Activity Finder (random dungeon / battleground)Ready Check / Group ElectionQuest ShareWorld

DEPRECATED Sauhaufen 作者: m00nyONE

WARNING - i do not maintain this addon anymore because i left the guild it was ment for. If someone wants to take it or maintain it, just let me know.Das Sauhaufen AddonWARNING: THIS IS A GUILD INTERNAL ADDON.IF YOU ARE NOT MEMBER OF THE GUILD "Sauhaufe