
Nika Brave GuildHall 作者: Verling

[EN]Fast guid halls "My Home Domain" traveler addon.Located in the "Stillwaters Retreat" by @NikbraveAnd a menu button to move around their homes.For the first menu button to work, assign the house you need as the main one.To do this, move to this h

Guild Hall Button 作者: BoarGules

Guild Hall Buttonby Boar Gules [email protected]Many players of Elder Scrolls Online® have hankered after guild halls of the sort provided by Guild Wars.When Zenimax announced Homestead, the ESO housing framework, many guilds immediately co-opted it as

My Domain GuildHalls 作者: Verling

[EN]Fast guid halls (RU,EN) "My Domain" traveler addon.And a button to move to your Primary House.To use this button, assign the house you need as the main one.To do this, move to this house and press "F5" - "R" - "Settings" - "Make primary residence

EssentialHousingTools RU Patch 作者: alezhu

--RussianОбеспечивает совместимость Essential Housing Tools c русской версией игры в плане маркировки крафтовых станций, для которых есть мастерские за

Teleport - general purpose teleporting tool 作者: Schrodi

TeleportTeleport is a general purpose teleportation addon. It's main aim is to make teleportation a quick and pleasant experience, very different to what game offers - minutes, if not seconds (!!!) of looking trough menus, icons and lists. Ugh. The only

House Tours 作者: Alianym

Welcome to House Tours*!House Tours presents a way to add non-audio subtitles to pathing NPCs in your house. The text is tied to a node, and both your and the NPCs distance from that node. These distances are moderately customizable, but as an example y

Coming Back Home 作者: Saleand

Required libs:LibAddonMenu-2.0How does it work:If you were pulled in a dungeon while being in a house, then when you leave a group in a dungeon, the add-on will automatically start traveling to that house after 5 seconds with a message which contains a