
Aetherius GuildHalls 作者: MecHaN1ck

Fast guid halls traveler addon. Warning! Only for Aetherius community use!Аддон для быстрого телепортирования в гильдхол.Внимание! Только для членов гильдий сообщества Aet

House Tours 作者: Alianym

Welcome to House Tours*!House Tours presents a way to add non-audio subtitles to pathing NPCs in your house. The text is tied to a node, and both your and the NPCs distance from that node. These distances are moderately customizable, but as an example y

Custom Item Preview 作者: KLISK

A preview of drawings and pieces of furniture in the inventory, bank, house bank, guild bank. Available from the drop down menu.Preview items from links in chat - never! ZoS Policy.PerfectPixel.GridList.MarkPledges.QuickEmotes.

Scaffold 作者: Cardinal05

This add-on has been replaced. Please see Magic Carpet for the latest version.

Oops I Did It Again 作者: Cardinal05

This add-on has been integrated into Essential Housing Tools.Check it out for the same Multi-Level Undo and Redo functionality (among a host of other house editing tools!).

Nika Brave GuildHall 作者: Verling

[EN]Fast guid halls "My Home Domain" traveler addon.Located in the "Stillwaters Retreat" by @NikbraveAnd a menu button to move around their homes.For the first menu button to work, assign the house you need as the main one.To do this, move to this h

HouseValue 作者: DeDumChee

Gives you an estimate of your total house value.Current items with an unknown price include: Crown Store Items, NPC Vendor Items, Items without a TTC priceUse /gn toget your estimate <3WIP, will be cleaned up a little bit and some items will receive

Guild Hall Button 作者: BoarGules

Guild Hall Buttonby Boar Gules [email protected]Many players of Elder Scrolls Online® have hankered after guild halls of the sort provided by Guild Wars.When Zenimax announced Homestead, the ESO housing framework, many guilds immediately co-opted it as

Essential Housing Tools 作者: Cardinal05

The library "LibAddonMenu" is required to use this add-on.For players that only want to use the Open House, Guest Journal, Favorite Homes and Recent Homes features of Essential Housing Tools we now offer the Housing Hub add-on as a light-weight alternati