
HouseValue 作者: DeDumChee

Gives you an estimate of your total house value.Current items with an unknown price include: Crown Store Items, NPC Vendor Items, Items without a TTC priceUse /gn toget your estimate <3WIP, will be cleaned up a little bit and some items will receive

Guild Hall Button 作者: BoarGules

Guild Hall Buttonby Boar Gules [email protected]Many players of Elder Scrolls Online® have hankered after guild halls of the sort provided by Guild Wars.When Zenimax announced Homestead, the ESO housing framework, many guilds immediately co-opted it as

Magic Carpet 作者: Cardinal05

It is a chore to create scaffolding when you just want to build high up or get a better vantage point. Magic Carpet makes it easy to build anywhere in any home by giving you the power of flight. All that you need is Decorator permission and any of the man

Votan's Improved Provisioner 作者: votan

DescriptionIn the beginning, with an empty recipe list, it was ok not having a big empty black window. But if you know more and more recipes the list gets real small compared to the big material panel.This addon rearranges the controls for more space f

DecoTrack 作者: Cardinal05

DecoTrackAutomatically maintain a database of the furniture items you have throughout all of your homes, characters, bank, storage coffers and storage chests.Just visiting your bank, your homes and your storage chests and coffers catalogs the furniture p

Royal Guildhalls 作者: Klainor

[EN]Addon for fast travel to the guildhalls of the Royal guild.In the guild halls there are all the Stones of Mundus, all the set, crafting stations, various dummies for training and many other useful services.Guildhall EN @Ilbirs - stations sorted fr

UnDead's Group Utilities: New Name Contest! 作者: UnDead 0rbit

WIN 100k Gold! Name this Mod Contest.To Enter:1. Download this mod.2. Either click the button on the UI, or open the mod's settings.3. Think of a good name.4. Type your suggestion, then hit send suggestion.Thanks everyone for using this mod. I am lo

Furniture Snap 作者: Cardinal05

Please note that this add-on has been rolled into Essential Housing Tools.Automatically snap furniture into place whenever you add or move furnishings in your home for picture-perfect alignment.Features:Position snapping is done along a "virtual grid,"

Votan's Housing Filter 作者: votan

DescriptionThis addon adds filters to the furniture dialog.For example, filtering furniture which is in your backpack. So that you can find items, recently digged out, faster.