
Mail History 作者: PacificOshie

MailHistory by @PacificOshie. Have fun!Mail History saves a copy of your mail when sending, taking, returning, and deleting mail to provide a history of your mail activity.Mail History data is stored account-wide across all characters. Mail that was sen

No Mail Deletion Confirmation 作者: code65536

This simple addon does two things:Suppresses the confirmation dialog when deleting mails that have no attachments.Selects the next mail after deleting a mail (this is supposed to be the intended base-game behavior, but it currently doesn't work, and thi

MailTo 作者: DeadMoroz

This simple addon adds "Send mail" action to context menu, which opens when you right-click on player name in chat window. When chosen, it opens compose new mail window with "To" field set to player you clicked on. If compose window was already open, then

Mail Space 作者: Verling

[EN]Adds an information line to the mail window with the number of received emails (0-72) and the maximum visible emails (/72).It displays in color when the number of emails is approaching the limit (yellow) or equal to or greater (red).The mailbox is

MailArchive 作者: sirinsidiator

A small addon I hacked together in a couple hours so I won't loose my precious customer appreciation mail collection.Likely incompatible with many other mail addons, but at least the data will be stored for now.To archive a mail, simply open it in the m

ODT 作者: black dragon

Initialement développé pour les officiers de la guilde "Orbe du Temps" cet addon a évolué pour apporter certaines fonctionnalités :• Serment des indomptables (pledges) sur un simple clic• Horloge• Chronomètre• Performances• Statistiques in

Oger's Mail Intricates 作者: Irniben

Oger's Mail Intricates automatically sends intricate pieces to another player. You can choose which intricate pieces should be sent.You have two options to send intricates:1. Type /omi @name [no. 0-4]: 0 = all intricates1 = Clothier2 = Blacksmithing

Priority Mail 作者: Architectura

Persistence is a virtue... and Priority Mail will persistently attempt to deliver your mail to any recipients that are less diligent about cleaning out their inbox.How to use Priority Mail:1. Send mail to any player who decides to let their inbox fill u

Caro's Collection Mail Group 作者: Irniben

Features:- type /ccmg to send mails with open world set pieces you have already collected to the player you set in the addon settings- automated ignore list to avoid sending the same items again and again- automated looting and binding of the received