
Simple Skyshards 作者: Alianym

Welcome to Simple Skyshards!Like the name implies this is a no-fuss custom implementation of Skyshards on the map (zone, delve, etc.). It works well with Votan's Minimap and AUI's minimap. It'll also work with Map Pins, you'll just obviously need to dis

Highly Detailed World Map 作者: MrPikPik

Initially I wanted to see if all the zone maps in ESO actually align on the world map properly, so I grabbed them and started overlaying them onto the world map. Surprisingly they fit pretty well so I continued and put it into the game itself, and this is

VotansMapPinColorsSlim [Greymoor] 作者: frogpog

The library is required for the settings to work correctly:LibHarvensAddonSettingsThis mod has been trimmed to not other mods do not conflict with POI and Objectives on the map. And also if you only need to change the color of the quests.I didn't devel

Reset Tp 作者: Eymix

You can choose what trial you want to go to below. To use the addon you can choose to use a keybind or type /rtp to teleport. Disclaimer : it costs the gold !DependsOn: LibAddonMenu-2.0Note for devs : There is a function to get the node id for every tp,

Votan's Visited Houses 作者: votan

DescriptionDescriptionThis addon adds a "New" symbol to owned houses not yet visited by the current character. Original idea from @FWSWBN.Some houses are relevant for homestead achievements. But not all houses are linked to an achievement. Therefore th

MundusMap Revived 作者: Marazota

original addon - https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info1834-MundusMap.html- connections with LibStub removed- corrected mundus descriptions to be up to date (English only)

Accurate World Map 作者: Thal-J

Accurate World MapREQUIRED LIBRARIES:LibAddonMenu | LibGPS | LibMapPing | LibZoneAboutAccurate World Map (AWM) is the culmination of a months-long endeavour to totally recreate ESO's world map - remastering it in 8k(!) as well as fixing vari