
Darwin Award 作者: tombaa

WhatAttempts to keep track of how many times you have committed a criminal act in a city by casting a skill that's marked as one, and also attempts to keep a count of how many times you have died as a result/darwinaward to output current record to chat

ESO Complications 作者: graytonio

A simple WIP addon that adds small UI elements to the bottom of the screen to show different metrics.

Jump 作者: uberswe

As requested by @Davaco and a big thanks for helping me test this addon.This addon counts the number of jumps you perform as a player. It gives three categories: Lifetime, Group and Combat jumps.Use the following commands to see various stats and whatn

Riding School 作者: Shadowfen

Depends on the following (separately installed) libraries: LibSFUtils, LibAddonMenuRidingSchool automates the chore of increasing your riding skills on your characters. With it, you can go talk to the Stablemaster each day and it will automatically, ans

LockpickNotifier 作者: Rednas

A simple add-on i made for myself, to notify my party members i found a chest in a dungeon.Due to requests to share the add-on, i uploaded it here! I hope you guys like it!What does this addon do: Detects when you try to pick a lock If you try to pi

DynamicTitleFlex 作者: Complicative

Description:Always wanted for everyone in your instance to see, that you have cleared it and even got the trifecta, but changing your title manually is too bothersome?DynamicTitleFlex automatically changes your title, whenever you enter a dungeon, trial

Simple Tooltip 作者: ShadowMau

Simple TooltipRequires: NoneAn example of how to create and use custom tooltipsCreates a scroll list of unlocked pets and displays a custom made tooltip. Use /stt hide and /stt show to toggle the scroll list window.Check out my other addons listed in