
NoJumpToLeader 作者: Verling

[EN]Canceling the teleport request to the group leader[RU]Отмена телепорта к лидеру группы

FCO Accessibility 作者: Baertram

FCO AccessibilityThis addon depends on the following libraries:LibAddonMenu-2.0LibAddonMenu Sound Slider WidgetLibGPSThis addon was created for (slightly) blind players and aims to use the accessibility mode of ESO, like the chat reader, to provide infor

Advanced Grass Toggle 作者: Valve

Allows for easy toggling of grass on and off in adddition to customisation of the grass render distance beyond the regular in-game setting options.Will override the in-game grass quality setting with the saved value for the account/character on load.Add

ESO Complications 作者: graytonio

A simple WIP addon that adds small UI elements to the bottom of the screen to show different metrics.

Gold Ledger 作者: P5ych3

Gold LedgerGold Ledger was inspired by Ledger, and serves as a detailed gold manager for ESO. There are a handful of gold managers available on ESOUI of course, but few offer the features that come packaged with Gold Ledger in such a clean and precise ma

Darwin Award 作者: tombaa

WhatAttempts to keep track of how many times you have committed a criminal act in a city by casting a skill that's marked as one, and also attempts to keep a count of how many times you have died as a result/darwinaward to output current record to chat

Disable Prologue Quests 作者: SSM24

This is a simple addon that prevents you from accepting DLC prologue quests. This gives you an easy way to avoid these quests, if you'd rather focus on the sidequests that actually belong to the zone you're in.WHAT IT DOESWhenever a prologue quest is add

Shut Up, Rolis Hlaalu! 作者: Traybair

When one turns in an inventory's worth of master writs, Rolis Hlaalu’s voice lines can become repetitive and annoying. This addon makes sure that you never have to hear him again. What this addon does:When the player opens dialog by interacting with Ro

LanguageSwitcher 作者: m00nyONE

Just a simple LanguageSwitcher because i always forget the command to switch languages ingameusage:/language -> prints all available languages in chat/language REGION_CODE -> uses a language for the ui and reloadsthats it. nothing more

Rengaru's Oakensoul Swap 作者: Rengaru

A quick way to swap weapons even with the Oakensoul Ring equipped.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This addon will let you bind a key that un-equips the Oakensoul Ring