
NoJumpToLeader 作者: Verling

[EN]Canceling the teleport request to the group leader[RU]Отмена телепорта к лидеру группы

ESO Complications 作者: graytonio

A simple WIP addon that adds small UI elements to the bottom of the screen to show different metrics.

Gold Ledger 作者: P5ych3

Gold LedgerGold Ledger was inspired by Ledger, and serves as a detailed gold manager for ESO. There are a handful of gold managers available on ESOUI of course, but few offer the features that come packaged with Gold Ledger in such a clean and precise ma

LanguageSwitcher 作者: m00nyONE

Just a simple LanguageSwitcher because i always forget the command to switch languages ingameusage:/language -> prints all available languages in chat/language REGION_CODE -> uses a language for the ui and reloadsthats it. nothing more

Witches Festival 作者: tim99

.No additional libs neededDescription: Adds a small toolbar for completing the golden plunder skullsNotes: the skulls are accountwide, the quest is charwide since you can do it with each char (but i think of removing the quest, doesnt make too much se

What's Left? 作者: Complicative

Description:Having difficulties remembering where left and right is in high chaos moments?What's Left? gives you up to 4 customisable labels. You can change their placement, text and colour.Features:- Displays up to 4 labels. The following properties can

Rengaru's Antiquarian's Eye 作者: Rengaru

Automatically equip and/or use your Antiquarian's Eye when near a dig site.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you have "Auto-Eye" enabled (default: on) your Eye will

Jump 作者: uberswe

As requested by @Davaco and a big thanks for helping me test this addon.This addon counts the number of jumps you perform as a player. It gives three categories: Lifetime, Group and Combat jumps.Use the following commands to see various stats and whatn

IsJusta Utility Radial Menu Cancel Option 作者: IsJustaGhost

Works in Gamepad Mode and Keyboard/Mouse ModeThis is a very small addon that simply adds a "Cancel" option to all categories, besides Quick slots, of the Utility Radial Menu."Cancel" will prevent the user from being forced to activate one of the slots

Auto Accept Duel 作者: GhostGat

Auto Accept Duels/chadmode to turn on/bitchmode to turn off