
Descendants Support Set Tracker 作者: Sven_re

DependenciesLibAddonMenu 2.0LibSetsOverviewThis AddOn is designed for Support Players who don't want to maintain an Excel sheet of their available gear anymore.You can track which sets you own across Characters and which would be able to reconstruct wi

EchoExperience 作者: Echomap

Purpose:EchoExp writes events that happen to the player to chat, as they occur and if individually enabled. The Window and Tab outputted can be configured, as can the color of text.Required Libs: LibAddonMenu-2.0Optional Libs: LibShifterBox(for litany

Event Tracker 作者: Kelinmiriel

Helps keep track of Event Tickets so you don't miss any.- Minimal performance impact- No libraries required (simple installation)- Reminds you when you need to spend tickets so you don't go over the 12-ticket cap.- Reminds you if you haven't gotten al

DungeonOrder - Alphabetical order for Du... 作者: KrykiZZ

[EN]Changes standart order of dungeons list to alphabetical.Works for all languages.[RU]Изменяет стандартную сортировку подземелий в списке на алфавитную.Работает на всех язы

Splats Encounter Log 作者: Splat

OverviewProvides a visual indicator to show if ESO combat logging is active or not along with a keybind for loggingFeaturesQuick Keybind to start and stop logging (no more typing in slash commands)On screen moveable visual indicator showing logging st

BeamMeUp - Teleporter (Fast Travel) 作者: @DeadSoon

This addon allows you to use the fast travel functionality of the game in a comfortable and highly-customizable way. All fast travel options you have through your guilds, friends and group are listed in a clear way and are usable with different search an

NoJumpToLeader 作者: Verling

[EN]Canceling the teleport request to the group leader[RU]Отмена телепорта к лидеру группы

Tetris for Fishing 作者: Sem

Play Tetris while you are playing a fishing-minigame while you are playing Elderscrolls Online!Attention: Set your keybindings by hand!Depends on LibAddonMenu.Depends on FishingStateMachine.Check it out on github and youtube.

EsoKR 作者: whya5448

Language addon for Korean users중요한 정보Worldwideweirdo와 계속해서 ESO를 한국어로 번역해 주시는 모든 분들께 감사드립니다. 이것은 다른 사람들의 노력 없이는 불가능합니다.나는 한국 번역 팀을 존

ElderScrollsOfAlts 作者: Echomap

Addon/mod for Elder Scrolls Online - to keep general track of alts*Depends On: LibAddonMenu-2.0. So please install separately* Currently with a minimal UI, basic sorting, and at least some of the details I want to store/show. This addon only knows about