
Shut Up, Rolis Hlaalu! 作者: Traybair

When one turns in an inventory's worth of master writs, Rolis Hlaalu’s voice lines can become repetitive and annoying. This addon makes sure that you never have to hear him again. What this addon does:When the player opens dialog by interacting with Ro

NTak Dialog 作者: NTak

Making tweaking easy: Camera / Dialog / Loot'n'StealIf you want to support my work, you can donate here or even become a patron.⸺ ⋅ ⋅ ⸺ ⋅ ⋅ ⸺ ⋅ ⸺ ⋅ ⸺(Contact me to add another language)DESCRIPTIONThis addon includes many dialog f


LovelyEmotes 作者: ShinyBones

This addon provides quick and easy access to emotes. (For mouse/keyboard users)Aren't you tired of remembering each emote and typing its name into the chat? With this addon you can search a list of all available emotes and save up to 120 of your favorite

ODT 作者: black dragon

Initialement développé pour les officiers de la guilde "Orbe du Temps" cet addon a évolué pour apporter certaines fonctionnalités :• Serment des indomptables (pledges) sur un simple clic• Horloge• Chronomètre• Performances• Statistiques in

CancelCast 作者: Ace

Break Reminder: Timer & Memos 作者: Mouton

EN - FRBreakReminder is a tiny addon that reminds you to have a break from time to time.Having a break and a rest is important for players, and staying in front of your computer all the time is unhealthy.Give your body a break every 90 minutes - can be

Leo's Trainer 作者: LeandroSilva

An AddOn that helps training your alt on crafting skills (blacksmithing, woodworking, clothing and jewel crafting).Type "/leotrainer" on your chat to open the main window or use the KeyBinding.Dependencies (please, install these):* Leo's Altholic (1.5.