Artaeum Group Tool 2.0 作者: M0R

Artaeum Group Tool 2.0This is an addon meant to provide Cyrodiil based PvP groups with tools to help them out. All features except for the Front Door markers are disabled by default.FeaturesGroup Data Share- This module shares data between members in a

Auto-Tabard 作者: aldericon

Tired of having your Guild Leader berate you for not wearing the guild tabard? Ever been caught wearing the wrong tabard? Or have no wish to actually even wear a tabard unless forced to? This is the addon for you!You have the ability to set-up when you w

CyroDeal module: CyroGroup - Help with g... 作者: marlonbrando

Dependencies:CyroDealThis addon provides some added functionality to make life a little easier in Cyrodiil.Provides a way to automatically scrape Discord info from guild page and send it to group chat.Adds an extra "always accept" option when accept

PvDoor 作者: skineh

Is PvP gatekeeping your fun time with doors?!Stop being bamboozled by keeps and use PvDoor.PvDoor will help you reclaim your confidence as you bravely fight the many doorways in Cyrodiil.Thanks to PvDoor, you'll no longer look like an inept buffoon bec

Cyrotivity 作者: aldericon

A very simply addon that modifies the tool-tips when viewing over keeps, outposts or capturable towns in the Cyrodiil map while in Cyrodiil. It keeps track in your current session (so it doesn't carry over if you crash or log out) when each location was u

Namez 作者: Toirealach

This addon changes the nameplates of the players that you put your reticle (cursor) on.First, it adds the class icon of the player so that you can see what their class is right after their level or CP.Then it also changes the color of all the text in th

BSCs-AlliancePointInfo 作者: BloodStainCHild

An Simple Addon To Track How faar away you are from max Alliance rank, also added Info Below the Progessbars Added an new AP Bar To Display Total AP needAdded Below the Bars an Lable For better information