Quick Cast Toggle 作者: xen32

A simple keybind that toggles between Quick cast settings On and Automatic.Made for myself so I can place sieges comfortably and then switch back my preferred mode (which is ON).Update 1.1: Added alternative keybind to only switch setting for 15 seconds

Acuity 作者: Wheels

Description:Acuity is a simple tracker that shows when your Mechanical Acuity proc is available, how much time is remaining on a current proc, and how much time is left before your next proc. Unlock position in settings menu to re-position it to desired

CyroQuickslots 作者: Gerrit

You don't need your banker quickslotted in Cyrodiil? Or your siege outside of Cyrodiil? This small add-on has no UI, no chat-commands, it just gives you different Quickslot-setups in Cyrodiil and outside. As simple as that.It is based on Static's Quicksl

Group Synergizer - Enhanced LFG Features... 作者: scorpius2k1

English | Deutsche | Français | PусскийVERSION 4.1 (Necrom)*Requires LibAddonMenu 2.x as a dependency to work, please ensure you have it installed!Scorps Group SynergizerNEVER MISS YOUR LFG QUE AGAIN!Enhanced Group-Based Activities, Notifications

CyroDeal - A modular interface presentin... 作者: marlonbrando

This addon provides the glue used by other pieces in the CyroDeal family. So, you'll need to download other addons which rely on it to get any real functionality.Currently available modules:CyroLeader - tools for group leadersDependencies:LibChatMessa

Battleground Coffers & Alliance Tier... 作者: kafeijao

This addon is a tool that servers two purposes.Keep track of the battleground daily coffers cooldown (to know when and which character you should login) and get the coffer, in order to get the most outfit pages from the Fanged Worm and Horned Dragon Outf