Taos Group Tools 作者: Taonnor

Taos Group Tools is a user interface enhancement for The Elder Scrolls Online designed to give players access to informational ultimate / resources / group heal / damage / group buffs / buffood / purge / detonation data of group members and many more.Sho

Tel Var Counter (TelVar Logger) 作者: Mladen90

Addon for logging and tracking TV gain from different sources.TV Banking supported!Download library: LibAddonMenuFor Alliance Point download: Alliance Point CounterFeatures:Logging Tel Var with source informationRestore Tel Var after Log Out, on Reloadu

Acuity 作者: Wheels

Description:Acuity is a simple tracker that shows when your Mechanical Acuity proc is available, how much time is remaining on a current proc, and how much time is left before your next proc. Unlock position in settings menu to re-position it to desired

Alliance Rank Progress 作者: DustyWarehouse

This addon displays an Alliance Rank progress bar on your UI with alliance icon, rank icon, rank name and the amount of alliance points to go for your next rank.French translation by Skar.Options include: Only show the bar in PvP zonesColour scheme (y

Open Groups 作者: Smaxx

AutoReleaseInBG 作者: powdercake

This addon will automatically Release your spirit when you die in a battleground (instead of having to press the E key).The addon is enabled by default, but you can toggle it using /arbg on and /arbg off.Slash commands:Code:/arbg Display s

Cyrodiil Ayleid Wells 作者: Odylon

This tiny addon is part of my collection of personal PvP addons. It adds a filter for Ayleid Wells and shows their location on the Cyrodiil world map.DEPENDENCIESLibMapPinsLATEST CHANGESVersion 1.0.0 (2021/06/19)Public release

Fury 作者: DustyWarehouse

Simple addon to display the state of your Warrior's Fury proc. It shows the number of active stacks and cooldown timer.Update 2021-12-26Better-late-than-never version bump for Deadlands. No other changes.Update 2021-08-20Waking Flame DLC. No core chang