
HowToSunspire 作者: Floliroy

Libraries Needed : LibAddonMenuOptionals : LibMapPing + LibGPSHowToSunspire - What does it track ?Trash / All Raid :Tracks ALL heavies including bosses and the eternal servant.Jode´s and Jone's Jump.Shield Charge from the 1H & Shield add.ALL Met

LGM - Lilith's Group Manager 作者: Drummerx04

As a spiritual successor to AutoInvite, LGM is designed to fit the needs of anyone who forms a group ever, with savable groups, simplified automatic invites, offline kick, and an in depth group death recap tracker... because why not?The LGM interface is

AsylumNotifier.LangPatch 作者: Maxim_ZG

Адаптированная версия аддона AsylumSanctoriumStatusPanel под EN (оригинал), RU и JP клиенты игры.Updated version of Asailum Status Panel addon for EN (original), RU and JP game clients.Перед уста

Hodor Reflexes - DPS & Ultimate Share 作者: andy.s

Hodor Reflexes allows you to share DPS, War Horn & Colossus status and some other data with group members.Install guide:1. Download the following libraries and put them into your AddOns folder (or just use Minion): LibAddonMenu-2.0, LibCombat, LibDa

Xynode's All About Mechanics 作者: Kukee2018

View videos of mechanics on the webpage: an overview of the add on: OverviewXynode Gaming LTD YouTube Channel Having problems completing that group content?All About Mechanics gives you guides on th

AOEHelper 作者: m00nyONE

AOEHelperEver had the Problem that you can not see an AOE on the floor because the environment and/or ground colors change from trial to trial? This addon will help you!It allows you to customize the colors of enemy and friendly AOEs "differently for eac

AsylumPT.LangPatch 作者: Lost.Seeker

Патч (русификатор) для аддона Asylum Priority TargetДля работы требуется наличие оригинального APTRU local patchThe original addon was written by Gоrdias