
AsylumNotifier.LangPatch 作者: Maxim_ZG

Адаптированная версия аддона AsylumSanctoriumStatusPanel под EN (оригинал), RU и JP клиенты игры.Updated version of Asailum Status Panel addon for EN (original), RU and JP game clients.Перед уста

Player Role Indicator 作者: Parietic

A simple addon that adds role indicators above grouped players and notifies grouped player deaths + resurrections.If you have any suggestions or find bugs let me know.And if you enjoy the addon dont forget to favourite it.Features:- Display icons over

OdySupportIcons - Group Role Icons &... 作者: Odylon

With Version 1.10 an Workaround for old instances of LibAddonMenu-2.0 (LAM) was removed from OSI, as it conflicted with future development of LAM.If you experience problems since the last update, e.g. screen gets blurry or lua errors mentioning ZO_Screen

Group Circle 作者: aldericon

Group Circle (AKA 'My Precious') provides a centralized circle in the middle of your screen and works with the Provision's TeamFormation addon. It allows you to set a maximum of how far away from crown the group should be. For example, if the group should

CrutchAlerts 作者: Kyzeragon

This addon is a crutch. Use the crutch proudly.Unlike other alert addons, CrutchAlerts displays almost ALL incoming attacks that are cast on you. It also displays a curated list of casts on other players or the enemy itself that may affect you, as well a

Cloudrest Bane Tracker 作者: init3

Tracks the bane from Z'majas shade in Cloudrest execute phase to provide a heads up for when the bane is estimated to come out again. There has only been a small amount of testing on this due to my lack of running Cloudrest, so the timer may need to be t

CancelCast 作者: Ace

Provinatus - Heads Up Display 作者: AlbinoPython

Heads up display that shows the locations and health of people in your group as well as many other locations.Restored Eidetic Memory pins from the LoreBooks addonRequired AddOnsLibAddonMenuLibGPSOptionally, displays data from:Dungeon ChampionsHarves