
HowToSunspire 作者: Floliroy

Libraries Needed : LibAddonMenuOptionals : LibMapPing + LibGPSHowToSunspire - What does it track ?Trash / All Raid :Tracks ALL heavies including bosses and the eternal servant.Jode´s and Jone's Jump.Shield Charge from the 1H & Shield add.ALL Met

Batman's Home and Out 作者: Irniben

DependsOn: LibAddonMenu-2.0 This addon is for raid leads working on tri-fectas and other achievements that need them to reset the instance on a regular basis and let the group port to their home for ressource refills.This addon lets you use the slash co

CancelCast 作者: Ace

PvP FPS 2018 作者: Phuein

Gift me @phuein in-game, if you have extra crowns and appreciate my addons. (Can even ask which DLC I missed.) Thank you!This addon changes your SubSampling Quality automatically when entering PvP zones (Cyrodiil and Battlegrounds), and restores it in P

Text Trials Guide 作者: Splat

You probably been in the situation. You get a group together for a trial and not all of you are using discord and not everyone has done it before. That means typing out mechanics for the few people who are not using voice. If you know how slow this can b

Cloudrest Bane Tracker 作者: init3

Tracks the bane from Z'majas shade in Cloudrest execute phase to provide a heads up for when the bane is estimated to come out again. There has only been a small amount of testing on this due to my lack of running Cloudrest, so the timer may need to be t