
Alik'r Dolmen Helper 作者: haipahaipa

I'm lazy and didn't want to click the same small wayshrines on the world map over and over again while dolmen farming, therefore I wrote this small addon.If you interact with one of the 3 wayshrines involved in Alik'r dolmen farming, you will automatical

Group Synergizer - Enhanced LFG Features... 作者: scorpius2k1

English | Deutsche | Français | PусскийVERSION 4.1 (Necrom)*Requires LibAddonMenu 2.x as a dependency to work, please ensure you have it installed!Scorps Group SynergizerNEVER MISS YOUR LFG QUE AGAIN!Enhanced Group-Based Activities, Notifications

Perfect Rockgrove 作者: buldezir

Works only on English client!!!- Shows cleanse timers above pools on 1st boss- Writes who explode other people on 2nd boss (not 100% precise, but close to)- Shows A B C on "copies" on 3rd bossdoes not have any dependencies.donations with gold or/and

Taos Group Tools 作者: Taonnor

Taos Group Tools is a user interface enhancement for The Elder Scrolls Online designed to give players access to informational ultimate / resources / group heal / damage / group buffs / buffood / purge / detonation data of group members and many more.Sho

Kyzderp's Derps 作者: Kyzeragon

Kyzderp's Derps is, as the name suggests, a collection of miscellaneous features. I will most likely continue to add more random things in the future.Custom Target NameThis displays text that you can customize when your reticle is on a target. It was ma

HowToSunspire 作者: Floliroy

Libraries Needed : LibAddonMenuOptionals : LibMapPing + LibGPSHowToSunspire - What does it track ?Trash / All Raid :Tracks ALL heavies including bosses and the eternal servant.Jode´s and Jone's Jump.Shield Charge from the 1H & Shield add.ALL Met

Acuity 作者: Wheels

Description:Acuity is a simple tracker that shows when your Mechanical Acuity proc is available, how much time is remaining on a current proc, and how much time is left before your next proc. Unlock position in settings menu to re-position it to desired

Uhryel's Ring of the Pale Order Reminder 作者: Irniben

This addon has only one purpose: whenever you enter a dungeon or trial in a group with other players, it will check your worn items for the ring of the pale order. If you are wearing one it will remind you of that fact in big red friendly letters in the m

BSCs-CloudrestFlareHelper 作者: BloodStainCHild

This Addon allows you to track the Roaring Flare inside the Cloudrest Trail"Shows the Name of the current Player having the flare also how faar this player is awayalso showing when the next flare will be there.On the Execute Phase it also takes care w