
K. 作者: c99koder

Stolen Item Tally 作者: MrPikPik

This addon keeps track of all the items and gold you steal and can display it to you in a neat fashion.Also keeps track of items you stole since you logged into the character for dedicated stealing sessions tracking It will also differentiate between pi

Empyrean Dice 作者: manaphoenix

Empyrean dice is roller with a variable amount of dice up to 9 number long digits!The addon has 3 commands/rolltog - Toggles the dice roller on and off (default: on)/rollmode - Changes output mode (0 = client only, 1 = Text Bar input,2 = Send to group)

WarCry 作者: m00nyONE

WarCry's for everyone! The WarCry addon is a shortcut for playing collectibles / emotes via chat comands or at the press of a button. It is primarly used by our raidgroup to take screenshots & to just do some fun things.The collectibile which is cu

Kaljastus 作者: Ek1

Puts on a towel and Helm of Heroism when fishing. Also removes them when entering combat.Kalastus is the word for fishing in Finnish and kalja is the word for beer.

Würfelsimulator / dice simulator 作者: Lyros-Armagand

Moin Leute,hier findet ihr meinen Würfelsimulator.Entpackt den Inhalt (Wuerfel) in das ESO AddOn-Verzeichnis ( z.B.: C:\Users\Euer PC Benutzer\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns\ ).Aufgerufen wird der WüSi im Chat über/wu (Parameter)oder/

Click's House 作者: pithka

Type "/click" to go to click's house.

DuelRPG 作者: Neferys