
Calamath's Shortcut Pie Menu 作者: Calamath

Description:This add-on provides a pie menu (radial menu) for shortcuts to various UI operations, except for slottable items. - Do you like opening the collection menu every time you summon your favorite assistant or companion?- Are you tired of typin

Magic Carpet 作者: Cardinal05

It is a chore to create scaffolding when you just want to build high up or get a better vantage point. Magic Carpet makes it easy to build anywhere in any home by giving you the power of flight. All that you need is Decorator permission and any of the man

Discord Status 作者: Medallyonify

If you're using Discord and want to display more than just "Playing Elder Scrolls Online", this Addon is for you.By using this Addon, your status on Discord will change to display Rich Presence information, including information about your character, you

TOM - Tamriel Online Messenger - Reborn 作者: P5ych3

TOM - Tamriel Online Messenger - RebornTOM was placed into the discontinued category shortly after update 34, and since I thoroughly enjoy it I wanted to change that. TOM is the best chat manager available right now so I made it a priority to bring it b

Stolen Item Tally 作者: MrPikPik

This addon keeps track of all the items and gold you steal and can display it to you in a neat fashion.Also keeps track of items you stole since you logged into the character for dedicated stealing sessions tracking It will also differentiate between pi

GREYMOOR - Enhanced Lockpicking - A Lock... 作者: luxape

The Elder Scrolls - a beautiful story and games we all have known and loved for many years.Modding has always been a key-part of the games and in reminiscence of modssuch as "Lockpick graduation” by Lilyu for Skyrim, I wanted to change the feel your

Dyer 作者: Ayantir

Personality Designer 作者: Atronyx

Personality Designer is a roleplay addon that gives your character a "personality" by playing emotes/mementos while idle.With Personality Designer you can:Create your own personality with up to 10 actions (emotes/mementos).Specify how much idle time sh