
[Obsolete] Rollplay Integration 作者: TheBobbyLlama

This addon is now obsolete! Try the RP Profile Viewer addon to view Rollplay profiles directly in ESO instead!An integration of the ESO Rollplay character sheet and rolling system with ESO.With this addon, an option is added to the right-click context m

xTG_Immersive_Interface 作者: xTG

Addon descriptionImmersive Interface try to give you more immersion in hidding UI elements to let you appreciate the beauty of the ESO world.Fighting will be more elegant with the addition of heartbeat system to show your health status.More you are clo

Würfelsimulator / dice simulator 作者: Lyros-Armagand

Moin Leute,hier findet ihr meinen Würfelsimulator.Entpackt den Inhalt (Wuerfel) in das ESO AddOn-Verzeichnis ( z.B.: C:\Users\Euer PC Benutzer\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns\ ).Aufgerufen wird der WüSi im Chat über/wu (Parameter)oder/

WarCry 作者: m00nyONE

WarCry's for everyone! The WarCry addon is a shortcut for playing collectibles / emotes via chat comands or at the press of a button. It is primarly used by our raidgroup to take screenshots & to just do some fun things.The collectibile which is cu

Votan's Tamriel Map 作者: votan

DependenciesLibGPSLibHarvensAddonSettingsLibMapPingDescriptionThis addon changes the Tamriel map to look more like a map. Pure cosmetic.Idea and request from @Kraudi.

TOM - Tamriel Online Messenger - Reborn 作者: P5ych3

TOM - Tamriel Online Messenger - RebornTOM was placed into the discontinued category shortly after update 34, and since I thoroughly enjoy it I wanted to change that. TOM is the best chat manager available right now so I made it a priority to bring it b