
IsJusta Decon Carried Items List 作者: IsJustaGhost

Requires LibAddonMenu-2.0Works in Gamepad Mode and Keyboard/Mouse ModeNEW:3added option to auto "Add All". This option will add all filtered items to be deconstructed on opening the station or assistant.Features Refine Adds the option to only show

Provision's Chalutier : Fishing 作者: Provision

Chalutier is a user Interface for The Elder Scrolls Online, designed to show fishing statement : - maroon : You are not fishing ; ?- steelblue : You are fishing ; ⛵- limegreen : You got a fish ! You have to caught it ! ?- maroon : You caught

No Research Dupes 作者: kierdavis

DescriptionNoResearchDupes is an Elder Scrolls Online add-on to detect when you have more than one item that can be researched to provide the same trait, and mark all but one of them as a "duplicate" so that you can sell or deconstruct them.Researching

Favourite Furniture Crafter 作者: DonRomano

This addon enables selection of favourite recipes (recipes, diagrams, patterns, blueprints, formulae, praxes and designs). Selected recipes can be then filtered out using checkbox in the list header. This is an extension of the standard ESO UI so it won't

Recipe and Motif Price For Writ Worthy 作者: alezhu

This addon adds information about unknown recipe or motif for master writ to WritWorty information Addional information include link to recipe or motif and prices from Master Merchant, Tamriel Trade Centre and Arkadius Trade Tools if the corresponding ad

MotifHelper 作者: MefBezTufel

This is a simple helper addon for those who need their Grand MasterCrafter badge.Just type "/motif" command in the chat window.It shows you all the motifs you collect page-by-page sorted by number of pages you are still missing.Since version 0.0.2 moti

Gold Per Hour 作者: satchmo1991

A simple addon that uses LibPrice to calculate the value of all the items and gold you loot and displays the total value per session, and your current gold per hour rate.This addon is useful to compare different farming routes or locations, or to keep tr