
Alchemist (Continued by Koenari) 作者: Koenari

This is a continuation of the Alchemist AddOn originally by awesomebilly and updated by weixm09Original: https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info...eBugFixed.htmlI hope this will reach and help all those using the original one.If you have a question, sugge

Alchemy Tooltips 作者: Hyperioxes

Displays cheapest way to craft certain potion, poison or alchemy master writ in its tooltip along with crafting cost, based on LibPrice prices. Changes potions' names and icons to reflect their actual effects and changes their quality color based on craf

Aldanga's Lazier Writ Precrafter 作者: Aldanga

If you want to pre-craft daily writs, you've come to the right place! You can pre-craft daily writs of any level (or any combination of levels) and save yourself precious minutes while hopping between toons for dailies.First up, this addon would not be

Auto Research Scrolls 作者: ghostbane

Dependencies: LibAddonMenu-2.0 LibChatMessage LibAsync Auto Research Scrolls-------------------------------------------This addon will auto consume any 1-Day Research Scroll (Writ/gold bought) related to either Blacksmithing, Woodworking, Clothing and J

AutoRefine 作者: ihause

Addon refines raw materials (jewelrycrafting dust, blacksmithing, clothier and woodworking) automatically. It calculates and saves between sessions the amount and probabilities of refined materials.How to use:Open craft station, press button "Auto Refin

Bandits Alchemy Helper 作者: Hoft

Improves alchemy crafting interface- Have no options menu, works as a part of default alchemy crafting interface- Option to reveal unknown reagent traits- Automatic solvent filter- Ability to filter reagents by traits (use shift+click for multiple fil