
IsJusta Decon Carried Items List 作者: IsJustaGhost

Requires LibAddonMenu-2.0Works in Gamepad Mode and Keyboard/Mouse ModeNEW:3added option to auto "Add All". This option will add all filtered items to be deconstructed on opening the station or assistant.Features Refine Adds the option to only show

HomeStationMarker 作者: ziggr

Home Station MarkerAn add-on for Elder Scrolls Online that draws 3D markers over crafting stations in a player home.Adapted from Shinni's HarvestMap and Marify's Confirm Master Writ.Originally written to help visitors find stations when crafting maste

Votan's Crafting Quick Access 作者: votan

DescriptionThis addon adds drop down menus as an alternative way to select type, material (level), style and trait. Just left-click on the labels "Type", "Material", "Style" or "Trait". The ones, whose color will change, if you hover them.As an additio

Leo's Trainer 作者: LeandroSilva

An AddOn that helps training your alt on crafting skills (blacksmithing, woodworking, clothing and jewel crafting).Type "/leotrainer" on your chat to open the main window or use the KeyBinding.Dependencies (please, install these):* Leo's Altholic (1.5.