
Master Writ Inventory Marker (WritWorthy... 作者: code65536

This addon will add a marker to the master writs in your bag, bank, guild stores, and mail attachments, to indicate which writs can be completed.WritWorthy, which this addon relies on, will indicate on a master writ's item tooltip whether or not your char

DO NOT USE - BETA: IsJusta WritHelper pl... 作者: IsJustaGhost

I am still working on this when I can. My current plans that are in the works for it are:Rebuild entirelySeperate Easy Alchemy into it's own addonImplement better functions for getting every possible alchemy recipe possible. < have the basics built.

Shut Up, Rolis Hlaalu! 作者: Traybair

When one turns in an inventory's worth of master writs, Rolis Hlaalu’s voice lines can become repetitive and annoying. This addon makes sure that you never have to hear him again. What this addon does:When the player opens dialog by interacting with Ro

Votan's Improved Provisioner 作者: votan

DescriptionIn the beginning, with an empty recipe list, it was ok not having a big empty black window. But if you know more and more recipes the list gets real small compared to the big material panel.This addon rearranges the controls for more space f

ResearchTimer - Unofficial Update 作者: Fennek

This is an updated version of ResearchTimer by hisdad (you can find the original AddOn here) since the original AddOn has not been updated for over 3 years now.Please uninstall the original version before installing this one! Having both might just break