
Unknown Tracker 作者: kadeer

What It DoesDisplay Inventory Icon and/or Tooltip for unknown Motifs, Recipes, Furnishings, Stylepages and RuneboxesMultiple accounts supported e.g. @MyMainAccount and @MyOtherAccountBank, Guild Bank, Store Vendor and Guild Store supportedAutomatical

TraitBuster 作者: Jacoboon

TraitBuster 1.1Identify duplicate items waiting to be trait researched.This addon is extremely specific in it's design. It was created to free up space in your bank that is needlessly taken up by duplicate pieces of gear waiting to be researched. If y

Daily Alchemy 作者: Marify

It is a simple add-on to automatically create an Alchemist's Daily Writs. (Master Writs is also supported)Need libraries (Please download!) LibMarify LibAddonMenu-2.0 LibCustomMenuFuture plans (not necessarily possible ...)New Reagent priorit

Daily Craft Status 作者: czerepx

Going too soon to the daily writ Quartermaster, again?This simple status bar tells you whether you are good to go to Quartermaster to turn in your daily crafts.Color CodingGreen - craft done, you can turn the quest inYellow - all remaining items can be f

Caro's Pre-Crafter 作者: Irniben

Disclaimer: All addons are used at your own risk. I try to test everything I upload extensively, but I am not responsible for any mats, items or gold you lose because something doesn't work as you thought it would.Features:Pre-craft items for alchemy an